Crop tops and beautiful truth

This post is for you. It has been on my mind the last couple weeks so I wanted to share. I understand how social media can influence us in positive ways and negative ways, maybe even without even realizing it. This post is absolutely free of judgement, I just felt a nudge in my heart to state, whatever you see on social media, such as wearing sexy revealing gym outfits to having to wear expensive popular brands out there that are probably on credit cards in order to feel “confident” or “sexy” or to “fit in”, know you are loved and worthy just the way you are. Don’t let social media tell you, that you need a big butt, gymshark leggings, and a crop top to feel “good”. Don’t let it tell you that you need scrunch leggings, wrap sports bra, and converse to feel amazing. Don’t let it tell you that you need anything else than God to feel worthy. You are BEAUTIFUL and if you have any doubt about that or feel like you need something to feel that, please right now rid that thought, and live in the truth that God creates gorgeous people and we are made in His image, Holy without imperfection, for so am I. If I could have you walk away with one point, it is just that. Are you dressing yourself based on trends and do not feel comfortable but try to tell yourself you need to get used to it and that everyone else is doing it so you should? I think its great to wear what you want and what your comfortable in and like. This post is for the small (or medium) percentage of women that are solely doing it because of this internal pressure that if they don’t, they won’t be seen, known, and loved. Get spiritually dressed in Christ and just watch your joy overfill and confidence rise, that a flashy gym outfit won’t fulfill.

Love you guys!! Have a blessed week,


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