Tips to stay motivated through the holiday months

Does the cold fall/winter months make you just want to sit by a fire snuggled up in a plush blanket holding a peppermint mocha while sneakily dreaming about white sand beaches and beaming sunshine?

Do you have a hectic end of the year schedule with family coming into town, work parties, Christmas shopping, holiday events,  and maybe even more stressful demands from work on meeting end of the year goals?

In which ever scenario you find yourself in, a populated response can be “The workout can wait.” Whether the cold days make you want to do nothing and the workout is first to go off the list, or when the days are hectic, and the workout is the first to go off the list.

Check out these tips to help keep fitness prioritized in your weekly schedule

  1. Have the cold weather push you to exercise. I personally do more cardio in the winter because it warms up my whole body and keeps it warm for some time. In which have the shivering body direct you to changing into gym clothes, a car ride to the gym, and a workout that makes you warm. 🙂
  2.  Ask a friend from work that has a similar schedule to workout with you. If a friend has a similar crazy schedule, he/she probably has no motivation to hit the gym after a long day too so you guys can commit to meet at the gym before/after work, keeping each other accountable. Try making a deal out of it like if one doesn’t show, they have to buy lunch the next day.
  3. Schedule workouts with a personal trainer to keep you accountable. When it’s scheduled in your calendar, it’s similar to having doctor appointments in your calendar, you’re less likely to miss for that time slot is reserved to that specific appointment.
  4.  Glance back at the goals you made in the new year. Think of the end of the year as a time to smash your goals you might of made Jan 1st. What were they? Write them bold and post them in your room, bathroom, and kitchen. Take necessary action to become closer to them everyday!
  5.  If you have family coming into town, ask for guest passes at your current gym and have going to the gym together be part of the routine. It’s a great and inexpensive way to bond.
  6.  Keep it short and sweet. Increase the intensity. Superset. Take less rest between sets.
  7. If you decide to work out less days, try pairing up more muscle groups together than you usually do. Even do total body workouts. Yes, that’s a thing!
  8.  Take advantage of what this season has to offer. The popular Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning. Snow activities: Go to the mountains and explore, ski, sled, snowboard, snowshoe, or play in the snow with your kids. Look up seasonal active/fitness oriented events near you!

Tell me your favorite tips you plan to try out! Remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of others! Share this link with a friend and conquer this holiday season!

❤ Amanda

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