Don’t judge the knee bends

Hello to all,
Today I wanted to write about something on my mind, j-u-d-g-e-m-e-n-t. Judgement is defined as “an opinion or conclusion.” It is something done on a daily basis and maybe from not even realizing. From responding to your text message, such as when someone tells you about their day and you give an opinion that is not needed. Or looking at someone in public and without knowing anything about them or what they are doing, you have already came up with a conclusion, or judgement about them. What about someone that you know and had conversation with and maybe they were dealing with something saddening or stressful prior and we instantly judge in our head about them and conclude they are distant. Or the guy doing slight knee bends at the gym and we are judging about how that isn’t even a squat when in reality he is in rehab from a knee injury. The point of this post, I don’t want to talk for anyone, but I know I need the lens and heart of God. Every little and big thing I see, I want to look through His viewpoint. I think that is something, as Christ followers, should strive for.

Isaiah 55:9 (ESV)
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts”

In that quick moment after you see something and your head wants to come up with a conclusion, is where we need to stop ourselves from entering into those thoughts. We have control over our mind and thoughts. Let’s slow down, pray to God to give us His eyes during this present moment, and wait on God, for I believe He will give us a glimpse of His sight.


God doesn’t look at the external view, but internally, our heart and motives. For then if God looks at the inside, then why should we conclude anything about others when we don’t know the deepness inside there hearts; what God sees. Let’s love with open arms and look for the best in others.

Proverbs 25:3 (ESV)
“As the heavens for height, and the earth for depth,
so the heart of kings is unsearchable.”

As we reflect Jesus in all we do, there’s an important free gift to remember He gave us.  It’s G-R-A-C-E. Grace is unmerited favor. It is receiving unconditional love and forgiveness even though we don’t deserve it. We are saved by grace through faith, and not by works. Nothing we do can make Jesus love us more. Judgement kills, but grace makes us alive. If God loves us past our sins and forgives us and takes no records of wrongs, that is exemplifying how he wants us to treat and love others. We are made in the image of Christ, and to reflect Jesus in everything we do, this is cornerstone. A hardened heart does not soften with judgement. Love softens a heart. Grace softens the heart. The gifts of the Spirit softens the heart. Let’s exchange judgement for grace. And see heaven on Earth.

❤ Amanda





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